Export and publish results
Updated: 11.09.2021
Process of exporting results from Equipe APP
Step 1: Go to export results interface in Equipe APP (File -> NRYF -> Export results), select the classes you would like to export and skip the classes you do not need to have back to NRYFStevne. Confirm (check-box) that all results are recorded and prize money distributed. Click on "Export results"
Step 2: If export is successful (you will see from Equipe APP that results were exported successfully), in a couple of minutes check the Results page of your show in NRYFStevne
If everything is correct all results will be published and show´s status would be changed to "Results published".
You will see the time stamp for last results´ export at the bottom of the page. For all classes with results, the status will be "Published". If there were no entries in the class, a "No entries" badge will be shown.
If there are some issue, you would see the issues in the results interface, please check and help to resolve them (see below for details)
Examples of typical issues and how to solve them
1. A new class (added in Equipe APP) detected while exporting results.
When the results are brought back to NRYFStevne, such new classes will be shown in red box in the results´ interface:
1.1. If the new class is splited class (some previously existing class was splited into two, i.e. because of sections for different pony types, too many starts or some other reason) -> go to Schedule and use the Split class function. For instructions check: How to split a class or export results from Equipe APP for a splited class - NRYF Stevne Knowledge Base (helpscoutdocs.com). After using a split class functionality, results will appear under the new class automatically. There will be no need to re-export them.
1.2. A new class is a section B class for young horses (has different fees and different rule/judgement) or a totally new class that organiser decided to add to a schedule or a combined class - > Create a new class, by pressing on a green button. For a new class you would need to specify the level, difficulty level, judgement and also fees. When class is created the results would be published automatically. There will be no need to re-export them.
1.3. A new class has been exported from Equipe APP by mistake. Organiser doesn´t actually need to publish this class´ results in NRYFStevne. -> Ignore a new class, by pressing on a red button "Ignore". When ignored, the class will disappear from the missing classes list and results will not be published nor visible anywhere. Please note that you cannot bring back the ignored class. If this is needed, please contact the Help Desk.
2. Some results are marked as "unclear"
On the picture, in the class 1, there is 1 unclear result and the whole class is marked as "not published".
This situation occurs because only classes with at least one participating pair can be imported from Equipe-APP. If a class has been cancelled or participants have been moved to another class, we cannot get this kind of data from Equipe APP export file. Please note as the entries are prepaid, the organiser should solve such cases to return the prepaid fees or to re-use the prepaid fees to pay for other entries for this pair.
- If class was cancelled or merged / combined with another class, please cancel the class also in NRYFStevne. Check instructions here: How to cancel a class? - NRYF Stevne Knowledge Base (helpscoutdocs.com)
- If entry was changed (pair moved to another class), update entry´s resolution as "changed". If entry was withdrawn, update entry´s resolution to withdrawn. There are two options for withdrawals - with obligation to still pay all fees or when all fees will be returned.
Open the class´ results and press on the edit button (green):
Select the outcome of the entry and click on "Publish":
3. There are errors in the exported results
In the picture below, you can see that there are some confirmed results, but there are still 2 errors in both classes number 1 and 2:
Open the class´ results for details on the errors.
On the picture you can see that for the rank 1, the athlete´s or horse´s parameters doesn´t suit the class´ sections (poni 1,2,3 or hest) criteria. Usually the horse doesn´t have the valid pony measurements or the athlete´s age doesn´t comply with the section´s requirement.
If the class´ sections have been changed, i.e. new categories for ponies were added, add them also to the class in NRYFStevne (go to Schedule - Edit class - check or uncheck the sections):
If sections are correctly configured, but the pair still doesn´t comply with requirements, contact the Help Desk to ask for further instructions.
- If there is an issue with horse´s or athlete´s licence, contact the athlete or horse´s owner and ask to pay the licences immediately. Please give an advice to athlete on what kind of licence is required to compete at certain level.
Key codes for entries/ results outcomes and their meaning for finances
Equipe APP (ENG) | Equipe APP (NO) | NRYF Stevne (ENG) | NRYF Stevne (NO) | Meaning for registration and fees collection in NRYF Stevne |
Participated (not specially marked / have results) | Participated | Deltatt |
Participated and result is confirmed - all fees should be paid | |
Changed Competition | Endret classe | Changed | Endret |
Changed class: the same horse/athlete combination is entered to another class, or rider is participating with a different horse in the same or a different class. All fees are returned and then used to cover the cost of the changed class. NB! If rider changes, fees will be returned to the payer. A new payment should be done by a new rider / payer as the funds cannot be cross-used between different payers. |
Withdrawn | Strøket |
Withdrawn | Trukket for frist |
All fees returned to payer. |
Withdrawn by judge | Strøket (dommer) | Withdrawn | Trukket for frist |
All fees returned to payer. At the moment, withdrawn by judge is sent to NRYFStevne from Equipe APP as "withdrawn", if the organizer would like to charge all fees from payer, the resolution should be changed to "unpaid withdrawn" |
Unpaid withdrawn | Unbetalte strøket | Unpaid withdrawn | Trukket etter frist |
All fees should be paid. Unpaid withdrawal means that the rider informed the organiser of withdrawal too late (i.e. before the start) or there are other reasons for charging all fees. |
No-Show | Ikke møtt |
No show | Ikke møtt |
All fees should be paid. Decision by a Judge or Federation Official. |
No Show by Judge | Ikke møtt (dommer) |
No show | Ikke møtt | All fees should be paid. Decision by a Judge or Federation Official. |
Voided | Opphevet | Decision by a Judge or Federation Official to void the result. When marked voided the result will be deleted. Can be marked in case of violation of rules, for example competing without qualification or licence paid. All fees should be paid. Achieved result will not be shown. Please check the placements for other riders and if needed change the order of places for remaining riders. | ||