How to cancel a class?
Updated: 11.09.2021
There might be situations, when organisers will need to cancel a class. In this article, we explain how the Cancel Class function works and what are the steps.
NB! You can cancel a class, when there are already entries (registrations), but no results published or exported for this class.
Check also "How to cancel a show?" if you need to cancel the whole show.
Cancellation step-by-step
1. Go to the show page, click on Dashboard:
2. Click on Actions for the class that should be cancelled and initiate the cancellation:
3. You will be asked to enter the code for a class you would like to cancel (to be sure this is the correct class, as you cannot undo this action) and specify the reason for cancellation. You may also add a comment for internal use, why the competition was cancelled.
4. Automatically all entries will be unregistered, all paid fees put to returns account, status of the class would be changed to "cancelled" and class will be closed for public registration.
5. If registration process is still ongoing Returns will be paid out to the participants in 1-2 business days. If show is in Live status or Ended, organiser can initiate returns after results are published.
Please note that returns go back to the card used for payment. There is no possibility to specify other IBAN or card for returns.