How to cancel a show?

Updated: 11.09.2021

There might be situations, when organisers will need to cancel the show.
In this article, we explain how the Cancel Show function works and what are the steps. 
NB! You can cancel a show that is in Published and all following statuses. Shows that are in Draft or Proposed statuses can be discarded. Cancellation is possible only for shows accepted to calendar. 

Cancellation step-by-step

1. Go to the show page, click on Actions and initiate the show cancellation (for UI mock-ups - see instructional material). 

2. Automatically all entries will be unregistered and all participants will get an automatic e-mail that show is cancelled. 

3. Go to show Finances section (if payments are used) and pay out the returns. 
(When there is not enough funds to make the payout of returns, for example, the organiser has commissioned the payouts to the accounts, make a top-up or contact the Help Desk for instructions). 

4. Returns will be paid out to the participants in 1-2 business days. Please note that returns go back to the card used for payment. There is no possibility to specify other IBAN or card for returns. 

Please check also the instructional video material to get an overview of how cancel show function works: 

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