Adding class and schedule

Updated: 11.09.2021

This article gives a short overview on specifications on how to add a class, including descriptions of fields for add/edit a competition form and where this data is going to be used. 

Setting up a class: add/edit form

1. Under the general information, first please add the class Code. It should be unique for the show and is used as a class code also when transferred to Equipe APP and then to match the classes when transferring results back to NRYFStevne. You can use both numbers and letters. 

2. Name - a textual field to specify the name of the class, you can add sponsor name or class description. It is possible to leave it blank. 

3. Open for - a textual value to describe the limitations for registrations, i.e. if this is a class open only for ponies or there are qualifictaions requirements, etc. 

4. Class date - by default is selected based on the start date of the show. You can change the date, if needed.

5. Limit number of entries for registrations - add a maximum number of accepted registrations for the show. When left blank, no limit will be imposed. When added, the registration to the class will be stopped after the limit is reached. The user will see in the registration form that no registrations are accepted for this class any more.  This restriction applies only when registration is open. After registration is closed, the organiser can add late entries and new registrations either from masterlist before importing entries to Equipe APP or directly from Equipe APP. 

6. Competition level - select level for your class from drop-down menu. Only levels selected in the show settings will be available here. Competition level is used to check qualifications (licences for horses and athletes). Use the correct competition level for athletes to be able to register. 

7. Difficulty - find the difficulty level from dropdown. In jumping, the classes for horses are shown in centimeters, for ponies - using letter codes, i.e. LD, LB etc. When centimeters are used, the difficulty level will also be set automatically in Equipe APP. If the pony difficulty levels are selected, i.e. LD or LC, the sections selection (nr 8) will be displayed. In other cases, registrattion will be open to all horses and ponies.

8.  Sections - By selecting the sections (i.e. in ponies classes in Jumping) in registration form the registrant horse/pony will be allocated directly to the section that horse/pony fits for and will not be allowed to compete under other section. In the picture, no horses are allowed to enter the class. Only Ponies with valid measurements will be eligible. 

NB! In jumping configuration, the sections are so called strict, meaning that the selecton of sections comes from the difficulty level selected. For horses classes (i.e. 80 cm or 130 cm) no sections can be selected, as these classes are as a rule open for all. On the picture, the difficulty level is LD and the choice of sections is from 0,50m to 0,70m for ponies + organiser can also accept horses to join if wishes so.  In dressage and other disciplines, the sections are not linked to difficulty levels and by default there are sections for ponies and horses.  

Sections that are in dark colour ARE SELECTED, section with mark "-" and not in dark colour - ARE NOT OPEN for registration. 

9. Competition judgement - set the judgement rule by selecting it from a drop down -  the judgement will be matched with the judgements in Equipe APP, when entries transferred to Equipe APP. 

10. Event code - is an additional parameter to classify classes and specify that the class is a Championships´ class or an FEI class of certain category. This information will also be disciplayed in class data under the competition level and also on the show profile. 

11. There are some additional classifications that can be used for rankings and qualifications calculations purposes. Tick the check-box if this is a restricted class, i.e. only for ponies. 

12. Mark if this is a team class. When team class is selected, we will ask for team name in registration form, teams will be sent to Equipe APP and in Equipe APP, the class will also be marked as team class. 

13. Platform fee - automatically imposed fee for the use of the platform, includes also Equipe APP use and other platform services.

14. and 15.  If the class difficulty level and competition level requires the federation starting fees, the fees will be displayed under these fields. The organiser cannot change the fees as these are under the Federation´s settings. If the fees are not required, no fields will appear. 

16. Starting fee - the meaning of the starting fee is to cover the costs of the organiser associated with registraton of the pair. If person is withdrawn after the registration deadline and doesn´t participate in the class, these fees will stay for organiser.  The registration fees are generally non-refundable, unless the organiser decides so.  



19. You can set a special price for your club members. Add the price they would pay, NOT the difference or discount rate.  On the picture, the club members will be asked to pay 120 NOK for starting fee. 

When these parameter is added the fee for club memebrs will be displayed in brackets after the normal price and in registration form the person´s club will be checked and the discounted price applied automatically.  Also in case of late entry by club member, when registration is done based on results from Equipe APP, the discounted price will be applied automatically. 



20. Add the prize money distribution in the format of sums for the first, second, third etc places separated by a coma. 

21. If needed, you may add the total prize money budget. 

22. Add description of prizes, i.e. whether there will be gift from sponsors or in-kind prizes. 

NB! If prize money distribution (field 20) or prize money total (field 21) are added, we will collect the account numbers and prize money receivers names during the registration process. 



Collection of videos

Add show to calendar:

Add, edit and propose schedule:

Open registration (for officials):

Using payments and managing finances:

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