Roles and permissions

Updated: 10.11.2024

General concept 

Role is defined as a set of permissions to access data and change data. Roles are relational, meaning that permissions to data are controlled based on user´s relation to specific entity in the system, for example, organisation, region or to his/her own characteristics, for example, professional qualifications.  

One user can have multiple roles, all permissions are cross-used and the highest permission level applies. For example, if person is a district administrator for Jumping and at the same time the organisation representative proposing the Jumping district level schedule for approval, the highest permission level will apply, meaning that the person will also get rights to approve the schedule and open registration. 

List of existing roles and their configurations

Name Access to data Access to actions



A basic role for a not logged in user. 

Has access to calendar, people, horses and organisations databases. In people, can search for users with results or entries to shows, people with public contacts, officials and people with valid licence for current season.  Can pay for horse´s licences. 



A role for a logged in user

Same as for a visitor role, in addition all her/his personal and administrative data.  Access to submit horse´s applications, application for approval of results from abroad, possibility to purchase FEI licence for a horse, manage own registrations and registrations of the persons through delegated permissions to the shows. 

Horse owner


A role for a logged in user with a horse-related permissions. Automatically assigned through horse registration or ownership change application process. Person should be owner or one of the owners of the horse. 

A role assigned to a user responsible for managing a horse in the system. Has access to her/his horse´s data. Can submit horse-related applictaions, manage vaccinations records ( a service to check the validity of vaccines), upload and delete documents, 

Federation show organiser


A role for Federation official responsible for competition calendar and helping organisers with settling of their shows.

Access to all personal data of users, payments data, all registrations-related data, as well as to all shows in all statuses, can see all masterdata settings (i.e. rules, levels, licences etc definitions) Can manage all shows in the system, publish, propose, decline, discard etc for all organisers, manage all registrations and all results, can confirm the applications submitted to import results from abroad, manage roles in the system (grant and remove roles), issue temporary licence for a person, assign or remove professional qualifications, manage person´s, organisation´s and horse´s data, incl pony measurements and vaccinations, activate and deactivate horse´s licences 

Help Desk superuser


A role for Federation official responsible for helping organisers with settling of their shows.

Same as above Same as above, except for the horse´s related actions, i.e. pony measurements and vaccinations.

Horses´ administrator


Federation official responsible for managing horses´ database, including horses´ owners´ data and payments for horses services

Access to all personal data of users, payments data, horses´ applications data (all applications), access to applictaions´ dashboard Can manage person´s, organisation´s and horse´s data, incl pony measurements and vaccinations, activate and deactivate horse´s licences, edit horse´s owners, approve and decline horse´s applications, generate ownership certificate document on behalf of Federation. 



Federation accounting role

Access to financial reports, i.e. payments, payouts, state of shows´ accounts, real and project revenues No special permissions 

Discipline specific support expert


Discipline-specific role to help with results publication and financial settlements for specific disciplines, i.e. only in Driving shows or Dressage shows. When granting a role one or several disciplines should be selected. 

Access to personal data of users registered to the shows of this specific discipline (masterlist), access to finances and results of the shows of this discipline

Can add new show (of this discipline), clone show, propose show to calendar, add and edit competitions, manage registrations and results, upload and delete documents for the show, initiate payouts of returns and the final financial settlement, mark the entry as paid externally. 

NB! has no permissions to publish any shows to calendar or open registration for shows. 

NRYF grenutvalg


Discipline-specific role responsible for checking the shows´ settings and schedules and opening up registration for shows at national and elite and lower levels. When granting a role one or several disciplines should be selected.

In people search, access to users with licence, users representing a club in sports or having results or registrations, valid professional qualification or public contacts. For users, can see their contact information, date of birth, professional qualifications and roles

Can edit show´s details, cancel show, propose, publish show to calendar, confirm schedule to open up registration (all levels, except FEI Stevne) as the show may include several competition levels.

Can edit schedule´s data and information in general provisions, grant and revoke role of official in show, upload and delete documents, manage products. Can mark show as higlighted (important), this would bring show to the landing page. Helps organisers to make changes in the schedule or show settings after registration is open (with some limitations, i.e. changes to competition or difficulty levels or prices, after atleast one registration is done). 

NB! has no permissions to deal with show´s results or to manage finances of the show. 

Rytterkretsen Admin


Discipline- and region-specific role responsible for checking the shows´ settings and schedules and opening up registration for shows at district and lower levels. When granting a role one or several disciplines and one or several regions should be selected. 

In people search, access to users with licence, users representing a club in sports or having results or registrations, valid professional qualification or public contacts. For users, can see their contact information, date of birth, professional qualifications and roles

Same as above, as applies to district and lower level shows.

Doesn´t have permission to mark show as highlighted to make it appear on landing page. 

Organisation Representative / Administrator


Role for organisation, allows initiating onboarding to payment processor and managing roles under organisation as well as shows on behalf of the organisation. When granting a role an organisation should be select

In people search, access to users with licence, users with club memberships, representing a club in sports or having any non-system roles, i.e. administrators of other clubs, or having professional qualifications. 

Overall in the system has access to personal information, i.e. contacts, address, date of birth of people that have registrations to the shows of the organisations. NB! access is terminated after the financial part of the show is closed. 

Has access to payments, registrations, payouts related to the shows of the organisation. 

Can add, edit, clone, delete and cancel shows. Can propose club shows, Drive-In, Knottecup and district shows to calendar. Can publish internal club show and open registration for internal club shows. For all other levels, can propose schedules to open registration. 

Can add/edit, clone, delete etc competitions, manage documents, general provisions and officials under the show. 

Can manage registrations and results for the show, as well as initiate payouts of returns, top up to organiser, pay for shopping baskets of athletes in the show, mark the entry as paid externaly, initiate the full financial settlement. 

There are logical limitations on changes in show´s and competition´s data, as well as for changing the registrations at different stages of show management. For example, after there are registrations in the class, the levels´ and prices data cannot be changed, as this would require resettlement of all shopping baskets and payments already done. After results are published for entry, entry cannot be unregistered. When full settlement is done, resuts cannot be changed.

Edit organisation´s details  and change logo, grant role to users under organisation, start onboarding to payment processor.

Stevneansvarlig / Show Organiser


Role for organisation, allows managing shows on behalf of the organisation. When granting a role an organisation should be selected

As above. As above, except for editing organisation´s details, change logo, grant role to users under organisation and start oboarding. 

Teamlead (voltige)


Special role that gives permissions to register users to Vaulting shows. Wen granting this role, Vaukting should be selected as discipline.

Has access to person´s date of birth, licence and club data. 

In Vauting shows, has access to data on registrations. 

Can only register and unregister participants in Vaulting shows, when show is in registration open status.



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences of people registered to the show.  Can upload and delete documents (i.e. course plans) and manage texts under General provisions. 

Chief steward


Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to personal contact data, i.e. e-mail, phone number, as well as data on age and licences of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data.  Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions.



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data.  Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences of people registered to the show.  Can upload and delete documents (i.e. course plans) and manage texts under General provisions. 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Access to personal data, incl contacts of participants in the show. Access to registrations data. No special permissions



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 

Mounted Games dommer


Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data.

Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 

Can add and revoke officials under show, i.e. change the list of judges. 

Can do small changes in classes settings (i.e. changing rules or other parameters). 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to personal contact data, i.e. e-mail, phone number, as well as data on age and licences of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. 

Can manage registrations.

Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 

Can add and revoke officials under show, i.e. change the list of judges. 

Can do small changes in classes settings (i.e. changing rules or other parameters), clone and split classes. Manages finances in the shows, incl marking entries as paid externaly and initiating payouts. 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to personal contact data, i.e. e-mail, phone number, as well as data on age and licences of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. 

Can manage registrations.

Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 

Can add and revoke officials under show, i.e. change the list of judges. 

Can do small changes in classes settings (i.e. changing rules or other parameters), clone and split classes. Manages finances in the shows, incl marking entries as paid externaly and initiating payouts. 



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to personal contact data, i.e. e-mail, phone number, as well as data on age and licences of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data.  No special permissions



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to personal contact data, i.e. e-mail, phone number, as well as data on age and licences of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions.



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to personal contact data, i.e. e-mail, phone number, as well as data on age and licences of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions.



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 

Teknisk delegat


Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. No special permissions

Teknisk sjef eller banemester


Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. No special permissions



Role in show, granted for the concrete show under the Staff. 

Has access to data on age and licences as well as suspensions of people registered to the show. Can access registrations´ data. Can upload and delete documents and manage texts under General provisions. Can manage results in the show, i.e. confirm them or change. 
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