Data exchange and schedule (NIF, Equipe APP and Stripe)
Updated: 11.09.2021
In this article we will briefly explain the automated data exchange services between NRYFStevne and other databases or information systems.
1. NIF
NIF is a Norwegian sports administration system. The following data is synced on daily basis from NIF:
- data on athlete´s licences (we get this updates 4 times a day). When licence is paid and confirmed in NIF, next day it should be synced to our system. If not, please contact the Help Desk.
- data on athlete´s club. Together with licence´s data we also get data on club membership - which club the athlete is representing during the competions.
- personal data and contact data of equestrian club members. This data, including e-mails, phone numbers etc, is also managed in NIF and we get the updates on daily basis.
- we also use the Single Sign On service (Idrettens ID) to fascilitate the login functions in the system.
The schedule of syncs: 4 times a day, every 6 hours.
NB! if there are data issues, i.e. no or wrong club, the licences wasn´t synced, no number etc, please inform immidiately the Help Desk to do the necessary corrections.
2. Equipe APP
Equipe APP is a show management software that we use to run Jumping, Dressage, Paradresage, Eventing and Endurance shows.
- Data of all registrations to shows, including athletes´ and horses´ data is exported by show organiser after the registration data is passed.
- After the show the results data is imported by organiser from Equipe APP to our system, results are automatically checked based on the Federation´s qualifictaions rules and confirmed.
- While running the show, organiser can also directly query the people´s and horse´s database to add the missing athletes, officials or horses to the starting list.
There is no regularly scheduled syncs, data transfer is on demand as initiated by the show organisers.
Equipe integration has following flows:
1) Equipe -> NRFYstevne: get list of shows available for organiser in order to choose which show to import
2) Equipe -> NRFYstevne : get entries, competitions and participants of specific show to import all the data
3) Equipe -> NRFYstevne: search for riders and get specific rider data
4) Equipe -> NRFYstevne: search for officials and get specific official data
5) Equipe -> NRFYstevne: search for horses and get specific horse data
6) Equipe -> NRFYstevne: send results to NRYFstevne
The cutoffs and what happens when re-importing entries
When re-importing already imported entries, to things need to be considered:
1) If entry was first imported from NRYFstevne, then deleted in Equipe App and remained in NRYFstevne, then re-importing will re-create it in Equipe App. But if instead of deleting in Equipe App, the entry was marked as withdrawn or changed, then re-importing will not change the status.
2) If entry was first imported from NRYFstevne, and then unregistered in NRYFstevne and then re-import is run again, then the entry in Equipe App will be withdrawn. This is actually controlled by federation level configuration in Equipe App - whether the import will withdraw non-existing entries or not. ICurrently the flag is turned on, meaning that non-existing entries will be withdrawn with re-import. From one side, it allows to make changes in NRYFstevne and replicate the changes to Equipe App by importing again. But from the other side, it means when organiser has added late entries directly to Equipe App, then they will be withdrawn during the import as they are not present in NRYFstevne.
Based on this, it is fine to do re-imports. The benefit of doing the late-minute changes in NRYFstevne and then re-importing, is that NRYFstevne can check all the federation rules regarding licences, qualifications and any other restrictions etc.
The cutoffs and what happens when sending results from Equipe APP to NRYFStevne
1) When sending results, they are at first just accepted and stored separately in NRYFstevne. They are not published immediately.
2) When organiser goes to the results tab and enters "Edit mode", the system will use the imported results and entries/results in NRYFstevne to combine "would be" results that organiser can review and publish. Basically the newly imported results are applied on-the-fly on top of any existing results or entries in masterlist if results were not published yet previously.
3) When organiser does some changes in Equipe App and exports the results again, the results are again stored first in NRYFstevne separately for review and publishing. This also very common case as organisers export the results from Equipe either after each competition class has finished or after each competition day. So it is quite common that export from Equipe App is done multiple times.
4) Still, one thing to consider that when results are exported from Equipe App, then published and something is changed in NRYFstevne side, then exporting again from Equipe App will revert the changes (once they are published). It means that common practice should be to do any changes in Equipe App and re-export (and also re-publish to Equipe Online) and then accept/publish in NRYFstevne.
5) NB! After class is exported for the first time, there is no possibility to uncheck it from export, when next classes are going to be exported. In general, this is not a problem, except for situations, when organiser has done changes in results (i.e. changed resolution from withdrawn to withdrawn that requires payment)
6) NB! For classes in Equipe APP that do not have a single participated (with recorded result) entry (all entries are marked as withdrawn, changed or no show), there is no export possibility at the momemnt at all. These classes cannot be included in the export list and organiser needs to mark the entries by hand from NRYFStevne side. This is needed to do the settlements for the entry fees and recalculate the shopping baskets.
We use STRIPE services to fascilitate payments in our system.
- Organisation´s initial data is transferred to Stripe, when club is initiating onboarding in order to start collecting fees online.
- NB! to change the account number or other details after the club has finished the onboarding process (status is Active), contact the Federation. The identity of the person who requires the change of the account number will be verified and change done by the Federation´s administrator.
- Person´s debit or credit card information is not stored anyhow in our system and is only managed by Stripe.
- When fascilitating a transaction, some details of the payment, i.e. show name, organiser, payer name, product or service name are transferred to Stripe. We get back the status update for the transaction.
There is no regularly scheduled syncs, data transfer is on demand.